Monday, September 27, 2010

Schwarzenegger Against Safety

Schwarzenegger blocked a bill that would increase safety on the slopes. While signing a bill that would require minors to wear a helmet while snowboarding or skiing, the Governor blocked the bill by vetoing its companion bill.  The helmet bill, Senate Bill 880, written by Senator Leland Yee, is a companion bill linked to Assembly Bill 1652, which was introduced by Assemblyman Dave Jones, who is currently running for Insurance Commissioner of California. Jones’ bill would require Ski Resorts to create a signage policy for ski boundaries, closed areas, degree of slope difficulty and other key safety and educational information.  

Resorts also would have been required to establish a policy for safety padding and to create a monthly report describing fatal accidents from skiing, snowboarding, sledding or other recreational activities.  

I think that both bills are good pieces of legislation, as they would help prevent injuries that can affect a young person for the rest of his or her life.  I endorse Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner because he has taken a pro-Consumer stance on the issues as part of his campaign:

I've personally heard too many stories of kids suffering head injuries while snowboarding, and that is why I support a law that would make it mandatory for kids under 18 to wear helmets while skiing or snowboarding.  Brain injuries can be catastrophic, leaving people unable to care for themselves and requiring a lifetime of care. But even less obvious brain injuries, like closed head trauma (concussion) or mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) can be life-altering.

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