Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Giants Fever

Sitting here in my T-Shirt that reads"Fear the Beard," and having taken 3-4 hours off work today because my boss was cool enough to let me go to the Giants victory parade, I think it's fair to say that I have officially caught Giants fever.

(Market St. November 3, 2010, S.F. Giants Parade)

(Uncomfortably close to thousands of Giants fans in front of City Hall)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Castle by Kafka

"The tower above him here - the only one visible - the tower of a house, as was now apparent, perhaps of the main building, was uniformly round, part of it graciously mantled in ivy, pierced by small windows that glittered in the sun, a somewhat maniacal glitter, and topped by what looked like an attic, with battlements that were irregular, broken, fumbling, as if designed by the trembling or careless hand of a child, clearly outlined against the blue.  It was as if a melancholy-mad tenant who ought to have been locked in the topmost chamber of his house had burst through the roof and lifted himself up to the gaze of the world."

Friday, October 1, 2010


I was reading Schopenhauer today on the subject of equanimity, composure, and presence of mind.  “He who does not possess them knows what he ought to have done or said only after the opportunity has passed.”  (World as Will and Representation, Vol. II at 214).

Among 19th century philosophers, Arthur Schopenhauer was among the first to contend that at its core, the universe is not a rational place. Inspired by Plato and Kant, both of whom regarded the world as being more amenable to reason, Schopenhauer developed their philosophies into an instinct-recognizing and ultimately ascetic outlook, emphasizing that in the face of a world filled with endless strife, we ought to minimize our natural desires to achieve a more tranquil frame of mind and a disposition towards universal beneficence. Often considered to be a thoroughgoing pessimist, Schopenhauer in fact advocated ways — via artistic, moral and ascetic forms of awareness — to overcome a frustration-filled and fundamentally painful human condition. Since his death in 1860, his philosophy has had a special attraction for those who wonder about life's meaning, along with those engaged in music, literature, and the visual arts.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The trouble with Classicists

"I like those downtown druggy kids who spraypaint walls and trains; I like their lack of training, their primitive technique. " - John Cale

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hottest Day Ever in LA

Today was the hottest day in the recorded history of Los Angeles at 113 degrees at around noon.

August 24, 2010 was the hottest August day in San Francisco's recorded history, with a peak temperature of 106 degrees:

Schwarzenegger Against Safety

Schwarzenegger blocked a bill that would increase safety on the slopes. While signing a bill that would require minors to wear a helmet while snowboarding or skiing, the Governor blocked the bill by vetoing its companion bill.  The helmet bill, Senate Bill 880, written by Senator Leland Yee, is a companion bill linked to Assembly Bill 1652, which was introduced by Assemblyman Dave Jones, who is currently running for Insurance Commissioner of California. Jones’ bill would require Ski Resorts to create a signage policy for ski boundaries, closed areas, degree of slope difficulty and other key safety and educational information.  

Resorts also would have been required to establish a policy for safety padding and to create a monthly report describing fatal accidents from skiing, snowboarding, sledding or other recreational activities.  

I think that both bills are good pieces of legislation, as they would help prevent injuries that can affect a young person for the rest of his or her life.  I endorse Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner because he has taken a pro-Consumer stance on the issues as part of his campaign:

I've personally heard too many stories of kids suffering head injuries while snowboarding, and that is why I support a law that would make it mandatory for kids under 18 to wear helmets while skiing or snowboarding.  Brain injuries can be catastrophic, leaving people unable to care for themselves and requiring a lifetime of care. But even less obvious brain injuries, like closed head trauma (concussion) or mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) can be life-altering.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Them Thangs

This blog consistently displays some of the most intriguing photographs from a variety of sources: tribal poses, beautiful naked women, motorcycles, graffiti, shoes, etc. - all with a twisted perspective. 

Here's a photo from the latest post:

Check it out for yourself:

So Alone

Racism in Arizona

Friday, September 24, 2010


Embarking on a blog

For the first time in a long time I have had some time to myself.  I never really thought that I would create a blog - but here I am.  So here is what I envision this blog being about:
(1) San Francisco life: politics, entertainment, food;
(2) A forum for photographs I find striking; and
(3) Music.

So, a little about myself:  I am 29 years old, and have lived in San Francisco since 2005.  I care deeply about this City and County, and plan to stay here for the rest of my life.


 noun \ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-\
plural equa·nim·i·ties

Definition of EQUANIMITY

: evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
: right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>